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Friday, July 27, 2007

Can a Coffee Table Change the World?

Microsoft has been working on a project, that they claim can change the world. This product, which is probably the best kept secret they have ever created, a coffee table.

But this is no ordinary coffee table, this coffee table has a built in touch screen display spanning the whole top of the table. This is the ultimate computer for anyone who enjoys entertaining, for anyone who enjoys a clean computer. Surface has not a single cable. You cannot plug into the computer any keyboards, mice, digital cameras, or any peripheral for that matter. So how do you use it? With your fingers.

Place a digital camera on top of your "coffee table" and watch pictures spew out onto the screen. Place your finger on one and drag it over. Take two fingers, place them on opposite corners and drag away or towards each other to increase or decrease the size. Place your cell phone on the table, drag the same photo to it and watch it magically download into your phone.

Open your music player, view the album covers of 20 or so albums, touch one, view the song list, touch a song and enjoy.

Microsoft Surface received its name from "surface computing", which is basically converting a traditional GUI to one that has everyday objects and the user interacts with those objects with a touch screen display.

This new product from Microsoft, is definitely a major innovation on computing as we know it. Probably one of their greatest accomplishments to date.

For more information on Microsoft Surface, see Microsofts website at To read more about how it works, see this article by Glenn Derene, Microsoft Surface: Behind-the-Scenes First Look (with Video). The above picture was taken from Glenn Derene's article, created by Intoaroute.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great, until someone spills some chianti on it, then no doubt Surface will exhibit the equivalent of the Blue Screen of Death (the Blue Coaster of Death, perhaps?).

Chris said...

Lol. Then it would just be an overpriced coffee table.